Friday 27 April 2012

Sahib Sindh Sultan (Mughlai) Restaurant,Bangalore

Sahib Sindh Sultan (Mughlai) 

Located on the second floor of Forum Mall in Koramangala, this is a fine dining restaurant that takes one through a dining experience in true colonial style ambience. One of the best Mughlai cuisines in Bangalore, it tastes just about as authentic as North Indian food can be in other parts of the country. The way the waiters are dressed and the way certain parts of the restaurant are done up is fascinating (for instance: the train coaches, and the royal chairs, and the grand curtains). I would be spoiling the surprise if I were to mention all of it in detail here. One has to experience it and savor it. An average meal for two here would cost about Rs. 500/- to Rs. 600/- .S3, as it is better known amongst the foodies in Bengaluru, is a must-visit for Mughlai food junkies.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Pubs Night in Bangalore

We are very acquainted that Bangalore is well known for Green city and Night Pubs.After whole week stress and hard work everyone wants some entertainment,dance to get relaxation.So they keen into Bangalore Night pubs and enjoyed each and every moment by hitting every floor of Bangalore Pubs on every Saturday and Sunday Nights.